What wine to choose when you do not know about wine

Many people ask us what to do to choose a wine correctly when you do not know about wine. It is not easy to select a wine without having notions of this product. For this reason, and so that you can do it correctly, from WINERY ON CREATIONS we have made a list of recommendations with which we want to help you to choose the wine you need. Whether you are looking for a red, a rosé or a white wine, with these tips we are sure you will get it right.


What wine to choose when you do not know about wine

The range of wines currently available to us is very wide. So much so that, when you have no previous knowledge, choosing a wine for a meal or for a social event can become a nightmare. 

So that this does not happen to you, from WINERY ON CREATIONS we have written this article with which we want to guide you in this regard. To do this, we have compiled a series of factors that you should consider before deciding on one wine or another. Details that are within your reach, such as the type of food it will accompany; the space in which it will be tasted; or the time of the year in which the wine will be consumed. Factors that, in a direct way, will influence your choice towards one or another type of wine; and that, we are sure, you are able to make without problems.


How to choose a wine

In order to choose a wine properly when you do not have specific knowledge of this product, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  1. The type of food it will accompany. This is what experts call “pairing“, which is nothing more than choosing the wine that combines with the main ingredients of the food. In this sense, for example, from WINERY ON CREATIONS we recommend DEMUERTE GOLD when you have made a stew with red meat; or DEMUERTE ONE if you opt for white meat or pasta.
  2. The temperature of the place where the wine is going to be consumed is another aspect you should take into account. It will be preferable to choose a wine with a higher or lower caloric content. Thus, for example, our DEMUERTE ROSÉ is ideal for summer and our DEMUERTE BLACK for when temperatures drop. This does not mean that you cannot drink our rosé in winter, but it does mean that indoors it will look better the cooler you serve it.
  3. The time of the day for which you are looking for that wine. In this sense, it is often said that red wines look better at dinner. While whites and rosés are wines for the day. Although we consider that some of our reds (such as DEMUERTE CLASSIC) are ideal for any time of the day, we know that our DEMUERTE DELUXE offers glamour to any dinner. Its velvety and slightly spicy drink is very suggestive.
  4. A quality wine with an attractive appearance. If you are going to give a bottle of wine as a gift, it is best to look for a balance between appearance and content. In this sense, any of our wines is a good choice. DEMUERTE wines have a unique style, far from monotony. Hence our original label and its presentation. In addition, all our wines are of superior quality, as they have been made with great care and dedication, using innovative techniques that have given them a very different character from other wines you can find.
  5. Ask for help from professionals. Finally, and if you want to make sure you get it one hundred percent right, we recommend you to ask for help from wine professionals. People who run wine shops or who elaborate wines. At WINERY ON CREATIONS we will be happy to advise you on which of our wines can best suit your social event or specific need. Because, for us, wine has no secrets.



As you have been able to see in WINERY ON CREATIONS we have a wide variety of wines. An offer that will allow you to get it right regardless of the type of event or meal you are organizing. Therefore, our final advice is: if you want to be sure to find the perfect wine even if you don’t know anything about wine, come to our winery and choose some of our DEMUERTE creations. Success is guaranteed!





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