DEMUERTE starts the harvest with a harvest of exceptional quality

The harvest begins in the vineyards that will result in DEMUERTE wines, an action that begins the work on a harvest of exceptional quality and in which we have placed many hopes.


DEMUERTE starts the harvest with a harvest of exceptional quality

This week, in the vineyards where the different grape varieties used in the production of DEMUERTE wines are grown, the harvest has begun. This action marks the beginning of a season that is shaping up to be one of the best in recent years. This year’s weather conditions have been extraordinary, resulting in a harvest of superior quality, according to our winery’s experts.


DEMUERTE harvest

The harvest process has begun with the picking of the white varieties, specifically Sauvignon Blanc and Verdejo, which are essential for the production of the prestigious DEMUERTE WHITE. These grapes, which are already showing optimum ripeness, will be transformed into a wine that is expected to be elegant, fresh and with a marked expression of terroir.

But the harvest does not end here, as the best is yet to come. In the coming weeks, when the red grapes reach their peak of ripeness, the harvest of the Monastrell variety, the emblematic grape variety of the region and the real jewel of the wines of the DEMUERTE saga, will begin. In this regard, Pablo Cortés, winemaker and director of the brand, has expressed his enthusiasm for the quality of this year’s grapes, highlighting that the climatic conditions have allowed for an extraordinary concentration of ripe tannins, which will result in wines with an impressive structure and great longevity.

In his own words: “The combination of drought and water scarcity has been a challenge, but also a blessing. The vines have had lower yields, but this has resulted in a higher concentration of sugars and polyphenols, which translates into wines of great intensity and complexity,” says Cortés, who, together with winemaker Agustín Carrión, oversees every detail of the process at  Barahonda Winery.


Yecla, a region on the rise

The Yecla region, which has witnessed a growing reputation on the world wine scene, is currently in a moment of great national and international expectation. In this sense, every corner of the region breathes wine. Therefore, the grape harvest is experienced as a community celebration, where each cluster that is harvested is a step towards the creation of wines. These creations are eagerly awaited by consumers and critics from all over the world. And the fact is that the area occupies a privileged place on the world map of the best wineries.



The wines of the DEMUERTE saga have forged a very positive reputation over the years. They have done so as wines that combine elegance with a high concentration of fruit and aromas. Hence, DEMUERTE wines are fresh, vibrant and accessible to all types of consumers. Responding adequately to all types of palates, from wine aficionados to the most demanding connoisseurs. 

This year, moreover, the winery promises to exceed its own expectations. An objective that is concretized in the achievement of wines that not only reflect the unique character of the region, but also emphasize the mastery that hides its elaboration.

Thus, DEMUERTE wine lovers can expect exceptional wines, full of personality, that capture the essence of the terroir and the effort of those who dedicate their lives to viticulture. Wines like those that we have been offering for years and that we will continue to make available to you in the years to come.




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