How is white wine made?

Te explicamos cómo hacemos nuestro delicioso DEMUERTE WHITE.

If you have ever wondered how white wine is made, how its flavour or colour is achieved, you are in the right place. This month we have decided to share with you all the secrets of white wine. Especially of our DEMUERTE WHITE wine, one of the best white wines you will find in the current market.


How is DEMUERTE WHITE wine made?

The production of our DEMUERTE WHITE wine is a meticulous process that consists of several stages. These steps are essential to guarantee the quality and distinctive flavour that characterises us. They are as follows:

Step 1: Harvest. It all starts during the harvest. During the harvest, we rigorously control everything that is done. For example, we harvest the grapes by hand, making sure they have the right ripeness and acidity to produce a wine of excellent quality.

Step 2: Maceration. Once harvested, the grapes undergo a maceration phase. In the vinification of our DEMUERTE white wine, this process is short and controlled. This is one of the main differences from the process we carry out with the vinification of our red wines. 

Step 3: Destemming. This is the moment when the grapes are separated from the bunches and the berries are broken. Then, using a pneumatic press, the liquid is extracted from the berries and we move on to the next stage.

Step 4: Fermentation. The fermentation of the grapes begins with a short maceration and a process called “desfangado”, where we eliminate the residues of the skin, pips and impurities from the must. Once cleaned, the must enters the fermentation phase. This is when the sugars are transformed into alcohol, releasing carbon dioxide and causing boiling and heat to be released.

Step 5: Resting. We let our DEMUERTE white wine rest on the lees for 4 months. To do this, we use pumping-over and batonnage techniques that maintain contact between the must and the lees. This brings multiple benefits to our wines. For example, a greater antioxidant effect, the release of polysaccharides and a reduced need for SO2.

Step 6: Temperature control. The ideal fermentation temperature for our white wine is 18°C. This temperature control allows the formation of the characteristic fruity and floral aromas that distinguish DEMUERTE WHITE.

The tank fermentation of our DEMUERTE WHITE ends when the liquid reaches its potential alcohol content. It is then that we carry out a first racking to separate the wine from the sludge at the bottom. 

When fermentation is complete or the sugars are almost exhausted, we transfer the wine to another tank for refining.

This is when we start, so to speak, our final phase. Nothing less than bottling. A process that we also take care of down to the smallest detail. We wash the bottles, usually with special machines, and then fill them using filling machines. Afterwards, we insert the natural cork stopper, place the capsule and proceed to the labelling with our distinctive and elegant DEMUERTE labels.


And now it’s your turn

Once we have done all this, the only thing left to do is to put it on the market and wait for it to reach all our followers and friends. Let them be the ones to finish the process by tasting and enjoying the result of each of the stages we have carried out.

Each of these stages is crucial to produce a white wine of the highest quality. A process that we are very proud of and that we hope that all our friends will enjoy and appreciate by having our white wine DEMUERTE accompany them to the table.





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