Wine and health

brindis wine and health

Wine is good for health. In this way we could summarize the relationship between these two realities. And it is that, always taken with caution and to its fair extent, wine provides substances that are very beneficial to the proper functioning of our body. At Winery On Creations we are aware of the many benefits of wine taking every day, so we have written this article about wine and health that we want to review the main benefits that is why we have written this article in which we want to review the main benefits of this consumption.




Regular and moderate amounts of quality wine (red and white) reinforce the proper functioning of our body. And the composition of the wine and its properties make it a perfect ally to keep us healthy. Some of its main benefits are:

  1. It strengthens our immune system. This is because wine contains substances that have antibacterial properties. It means that in the case of attacks of this type of microorganisms, the body reacts more efficiently. This protective action develops mainly in the stomach. A place where wine arrives during meals and allows you to keep bacteria in between foods at bay.
  2. Helps prevent blindness. This is due to the presence of resveratrol, one of the substances found in grapes. Its effect is to stop the growth of the blood vessels of the eye beyond normal, which has been pointed out in numerous studies as a way to contain the development of processes that produce blindness.
  3. Decrease the possibility of circulatory problems. It is perhaps the most well-known characteristic of wine consumption. According to many studies, the daily consumption of a glass of red wine favors the functioning of the circulatory system, which reduces the chances of suffering complications from this fact.
  4. Reduces the presence of cholesterol in the blood. This is due to the presence of substances that help decrease the concentration of atherogenic plaques in the arteries of our body. At the same time, they favor the development of good cholesterol, which is a safe for our circulatory system. This quality is very high in red wine and somewhat lower in white.
  5. Improves mood and reduces the chances of depression. The composition of the wine produces a sense of well-being that favors self-esteem and by extension prevents us from suffering depression. This is because when we take wine the neurotransmitters of serotonin, dopamine and opioid peptides are released.
  6. Controls the effect of solar rays on our skin. This is possible because flavonoids contained in wine and grapes inhibit the formation of reactive oxygen species (known with the initial ROS) that damage skin cells.
  7. Improves mineral levels in our body. This is because in a glass of wine we will find: lithium (very nervous system related), magnesium a substance recommended to reduce stress), zinc (which improves the immune defenses of our body), potassium and calcium (both related to the ionic and electrical balance of our organs).
  8. Reduces the speed of aging processes in the body. This is because the substances in wine have a vasodilator effect that helps fight some diseases caused by oxidation of cells.
  9. Allied against some types of cancer. Numerous studies have indicated that moderate and regular consumption of wine reduces the chances of colon cancer and reduces the chances of breast cancer.
  10. It improves the intestinal flora by making it more varied thanks to the substances (derived from yeasts and minerals) found in the wine.

comida vino y salud


AT  Winery On Creations we know that drinking wine is not just a social act, it carries important nutritional responsibility. That is why we take great care of the preparation of each of our wines to obtain the best of the grapes we grow. Not all the wines you can buy on the market are of quality and bring benefits to your health. Ours do.






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