Wine and health

Vino y salud con DEMUERTE

More and more studies are showing that there is a direct link between wine consumption and an optimal state of health. According to research, this benefit is directly related to resveratrol, a substance present in the skin of the grapes from which red wine is made. A component that has attracted the attention of health experts for its extraordinary antioxidant properties. This is excellent news for consumers of this type of wine.


Wine and health

It has been known for years that red wine stands out from other varieties because of its high concentrations of resveratrol, a polyphenol present in the skin of the grapes and their pips, which passes into the wine during the fermentation process. Its presence is greater in red wine due to its prolonged fermentation with the grape skins. Of course, at this point it should be added that the amount of resveratrol in wine varies according to the grape variety, its geographical origin and the fermentation time of the red wine. So it is not enough that it is red wine, but many other factors are involved.

Resveratrol has a beneficial effect on the health of those who ingest it. This is why this substance has been the subject of numerous studies that have emphasised the multiple benefits that its ingestion can have on people’s cardiovascular health. 

According to the studies carried out so far, resveratrol has many antioxidant properties that can contribute to the protection of the heart, which is why it is claimed that moderate consumption of red wine is good for preventing the onset of heart disease. It can increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL), protect the arteries from the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL), and there are even studies that claim that it can help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.


Wine and blood vessels

Research on red wine and resveratrol has suggested that this substance may also help prevent damage to blood vessels, reduce inflammation and reduce the formation of blood clots. All key factors in the prevention of heart disease.

But it’s not just about consuming resveratrol, it’s about consuming it after the red wine process. Although resveratrol is also found in other foods such as peanuts, blueberries and cranberries, in these cases it is not clear that consuming resveratrol through these foods offers the same heart benefits as consuming it as part of red wine

This has also been the case when synthesised resveratrol has been consumed as a food supplement. But even then, the desired effects have not been achieved. On the contrary, they have served to demonstrate that the body’s ability to absorb resveratrol is limited and that it can have side effects.


DEMUERTE y la salud

Los vinos DEMUERTE que elaboramos en Yecla, debido a su alto contenido en resveratrol, son una opción interesante para aquellas personas que buscan disfrutar del vino tinto como parte de una dieta equilibrada. Y es que nuestros tintos son ideales para conseguir este objetivo de una manera natural y en su justa medida.

No obstante, como con cualquier bebida alcohólica, es fundamental consumirlo con moderación para maximizar los beneficios y minimizar los riesgos. Y es que, como ocurre con el consumo de otros productos, el abuso acaba afectando al correcto funcionamiento de nuestro organismo.





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